Common owner operator truck driver mistakes when buying commercial trucking insurance
May 16, 2017Owner Operator Trucking Companies and the UPS ELD Exemption Request
July 5, 2017Last month a young fella from Canada ran into a bridge in Tonawanda, N.Y. He caused considerable damage to his truck and also got a ticket for crashing into the bridge. Fortunately, no one else was injured and the driver was able to walk away from the accident completely unhurt. It is important to note here it was the driver’s first day on the job so more often than not he was probably following route directions.
As of the time of the report, it was still unclear if the driver was following GPS directions or what type of device he was using. Nonetheless, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration decided to publish a warning to truckers recommending the usage of professional-level GPS devices. A traffic accident could mean the end of a very promising career in owner operator trucking. This is why is so important to determine which system is right for you. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right GPS system.
Professional vs Regular GPS systems
In order to make the right decisions, we need to rely on good information. If we apply this concept to owner operator trucking jobs, then a reliable commercial GPS can help you to succeed. Regular usage GPS devices are not designed for commercial purposes. There are some navigation systems that have been specifically coded for commercial vehicles considering important route restrictions.
Both new and seasoned owner operator truck drivers use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for route planning and time management. The problem comes when truckers rely on non-professional-grade systems. Regular use devices information that is crucial for bus drivers or commercial truckers. Regular GPS only show the fastest route and alternative routes in case of a traffic jam, but what about low bridges, low overpasses, truck stops, etc?
It is only through years of experience and thousands of miles under their belts that professional truck drivers can venture out into alternative routes without running into problems.
Selecting the right GPS to use in Owner Operator Trucking Jobs
Choosing the right GPS can be tricky given a large number of devices available on the market. Some owner operator truckers have begun looking at and buying less expensive GPS devices. Just watch out, buying a regular GPS may save you a few bucks in the short run but could end up costing you a lot more. It’s important to choose a reliable device that will withstand the test of time and can also be updated based on the latest information available. Updated and accurate information is important, make sure your GPS has the option to update it automatically. This way you’ll be sure to follow the best route based on the most recent information.
As you can see not all GPS devices are the same so make sure to invest in a reliable system. Always obey traffic signals and use your best judgment even when you are following GPS driving directions. For more useful owner operator trucking jobs tips and the latest news in trucking, please subscribe to the Status Transportation blog.